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The Lawrence 37-Inch Cyclotron
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: December 25, 2013
Caption: The Lawrence 37-Inch Cyclotron
Additional Description: "In 1928 Ernest Lawrence of the University of California, inspired by the work of Widerĝe, had the idea of utilizing a curved path for a particle accelerator. A magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of motion of an accelerated particle will result in the particle taking a curved path. By studying the simple relationship between the forces acting on the particle, Lawrence realised that the increase in the radius of the path taken by the particle is compensated for by the increased velocity of the particle if the magnetic field, the charge of the particle and the particle's mass remain constant. With this in mind, he built what became known as a Cyclotron...." - Accelerators for Society
Submitted: December 24, 2015, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p342700
File Size: 3.407 Megabytes

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