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Smaller Marker to the Left of Marker - Below the Saw Blade
Photographer: Syd Whittle
Taken: May 18, 2007
Caption: Smaller Marker to the Left of Marker - Below the Saw Blade
Additional Description: Historical Events in the Life of This Tree--
0. 190 Tree started as seedling
1. 215 First year of this section
2. 311 Christianity recognized legally
3. 395 Roman Empire Divided
4. 652 Beginning of Mohammedanism
5. 800 Charlemagne became Emperor of the West
6. 982 Holy Roman Empire restored
7. 1066 Normans conquer England
8. 1188 Order of Knights Templar founded
9. 1215 Magna Charta signed
10. 1295 Marco Polo returned to Venice
11. 1492 Columbus discovered America
12. 1542 Cabrillo discovered California from sea
13. 1832 Gustavus II, Great Swedish King died
14. 1776 Declaration of Independence
15. 1851 First sawmill in Mendocino County
16. 1885 C.R. Johnson built sawmill at Fort Bragg
17. 1943 Year this tree was cut
Submitted: September 5, 2008, by Syd Whittle of Mesa, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p34317
File Size: 0.719 Megabytes

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