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LTC Charles W. Whittlesey-Medal of Honor Recipient-Argonne Forest
Photographer: Don Morfe
Taken: June 13, 2007
Caption: LTC Charles W. Whittlesey-Medal of Honor Recipient-Argonne Forest
Additional Description: He is buried at Sea in the Ocean off Cuba, however he has a "In Memory Of" marker in Pittsfield Cemetery, Pittsville MA. His Medal of Honor information and citation is: WHITTLESEY, CHARLES W. • Rank and organization: Major, U.S. Army, 308th Infantry, 77th Division • Place and date: Northeast of Binarville, in the forest of Argonne France, 2-7 October 1918 • Entered service at: Pittsfield, Mass. • G.O. No.: 118, W.D., 1918 Citation: Although cut off for 5 days from the remainder of his division, Maj. Whittlesey maintained his position, which he had reached under orders received for an advance, and held his command, consisting originally of 46 officers and men of the 308th Infantry and of Company K of the 307th Infantry, together in the face of superior numbers of the enemy during the 5 days. Maj. Whittlesey and his command were thus cut off, and no rations or other supplies reached him, in spite of determined efforts which were made by his division. On the 4th day Maj. Whittlesey received from the enemy a written proposition to surrender, which he treated with contempt, although he was at the time out of rations and had suffered a loss of about 50 percent in killed and wounded of his command and was surrounded by the enemy.
Submitted: January 11, 2016, by Don Morfe of Baltimore, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p343830
File Size: 0.256 Megabytes

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