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"Old Abe"
Photographer: Syd Whittle
Taken: January 23, 2006
Caption: "Old Abe"
Additional Description: Sign on building that houses "Old Abe" reads:
Union Square: Named to commemorate an event during Civil War days when the Unionist "Volcano Blues" confronted the Confederate "Knights of the Golden Circle" on this spot. With the help of the cannon, "Old Abe" the "Blues" effected a decisive victory over the "Knights."
P.S. The story goes that the enthusiastic "Blues" had overcharged the weapon. It would have exploded had it actually been fired.
Submitted: September 7, 2008, by Syd Whittle of Mesa, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p34779
File Size: 0.843 Megabytes

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