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Marker Inset 3 - Union Brigadier General James M. Schackelford

Taken: April 25, 2016
Caption: Marker Inset 3 - Union Brigadier General James M. Schackelford
Additional Description: "Our Saviors Are Here"
Around noon the same day, Brigadier General Edward H. Hobson's cavalrymen galloped into Glendale. They rested for three hours, awaiting orders. To Union officer James M. Shackelford, "The village itself looked like another Eden." The citizens and female college students lined the streets cheering. "In their hands were trays, baskets, dishes, and pitchers," Shackelford wrote, "all filled with both the substantials and luxuries of life, with which they served the troopers as they passed through, in their saddles. I never saw a lovelier sight."
Submitted: September 26, 2016, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p364129
File Size: 0.130 Megabytes

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