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Marian Anderson and Abraham Lincoln
Photographer: Harris & Ewing
Taken: April 9, 1939
Caption: Marian Anderson and Abraham Lincoln
Additional Description: Full title is: Negro contralto and the great emancipator. Washington, D.C., April 9. Not since Shirley Temple visited Washington last year has anybody been photographed before the sculpture of Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial here. Here is Marian Anderson, singer, who gave an open air concert before the Memorial this afternoon after a high school and DAR auditorium had been refused her, standing before the dramatic statue of the man who freed her race, 4-9-39 Photograph courtesy of the Library of Congress.
Submitted: October 10, 2016, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p365498
File Size: 0.221 Megabytes

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