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Huis met de Kabouters / House with the Hobgoblins
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: November 23, 2016
Caption: Huis met de Kabouters / House with the Hobgoblins
Additional Description: Visible here on the left side of the roofline are two hobgoblins, with a gryphon on the top right of the roofline.

There are plenty of stories surrounding the reason for the green hobgoblins. These stories vary from the client’s surname (Van Ballegooyen translates roughly as ‘of ball-throwing’) to the way in which the construction of the houses came about: the collaboration between two contractors who kept ‘passing the ball’ to one another, so to speak....The hobgoblins have always appealed to the children of De Pijp, as it seems to be a mystery as to which hobgoblin has the ball. The ball is supposed to be thrown by the hobgoblins in secret, but it is not clear whether this happens at midnight, on New Year’s Eve or during leap years. -- I Amsterdam
Submitted: December 8, 2016, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p371804
File Size: 2.162 Megabytes

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