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Nearby "Mural painting" additional marker
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: January 16, 2017
Caption: Nearby "Mural painting" additional marker
Additional Description: This additional marker is just to the right of the featured marker. It reads:
Pintura mural - Lenguaje e historias en imagen.
La principal función de la pintura mural fue adornar los edificios con temas rituales, cotidianos y representaciones del entorno natural.
Se pintaron a las dioses y a los sacerdotes, convirtiéndose estas representaciones en los testimonios visuales de la sociedad y sus manifestaciones simbólicas-mágicas religiosas.
Se acostumbraba repintar las fachadas con vivos colores relacionados con los puntos cardinales y las deidades asociados a éstos.
También el interior se pintó, retocándose los murales ya existentes o sustituyéndose con nuevos diseños y temas, tal vez conmemorativos del periodo de 20 años conocido entre los mayas como “Katún”.

Mural painting – Images of language and stories.
The main function of mural painting was to adorn buildings with ritual or everyday themes and images of natural surroundings.
Deities and priests were painted, converting these images into visual testimonies of the society and its symbolic-magical religious manifestations.
It was customary to paint ovef the facades with bright colors related to the cardinal directions and the deities associated with them.
The interior was also repainted, touching up existing murals or replacing them with new designs and themes, perhaps commemorative of the 20-year period known to the Mayas as ”Katún”.
Submitted: March 3, 2017, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p376245
File Size: 2.966 Megabytes

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