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"...and A Charthouse For My Wife."
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Taken: March 4, 2017
Caption: "...and A Charthouse For My Wife."
Additional Description: Sir William Garthwaite, the London shipowner, was in his office interviewing a captain for a position on one of his sailing ships, when the captain asked if his wife could join them. She asked a string of questions, all brisk, businesslike, and to the point about the ship, tonnage, cargo, port, master's pay, and so on. Finally she asked if she might se the ships plans.
Stabbing a forefinger on the print she demanded: "That charthouse on the poop deck - does she still carry it?' She was told there had been no alteration. "Then we'll take her, '" she said firmly, without even turning to look a the Old Man, "if we can have the papers to sign...." Afterward the owner asked, "and why did you decided the captain should take her?" "The chartreuse," was the prompt replay. "All my life it has been a dream of mine to have a ship with a house I could sit in and work my sewing machine, and keep an eye for'ard on the ship."
Submitted: March 10, 2017, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p376929
File Size: 3.608 Megabytes

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