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An earlier inscription at the Temple of San Hipólito y Casiano
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: January 23, 2017
Caption: An earlier inscription at the Temple of San Hipólito y Casiano
Additional Description: This earlier inscription is found just outside of the church’s atrium walls, facing the street. It reads:
Tal fue la mortandad que en este lugar hicieron los aztecas a los españoles la noche del día 1 de julio de 1520 llamado por esto noche triste que después de haber entrado triunfantes a esta ciudad los conquistadores al año siguiente resolvieron edificar aquí una ermita que llamaron de los mártires y la dedicaron a san Hipólito por haber ocurrido la toma de la ciudad el día 13 de agosto en que se celebra este santo. Aquella capilla quedó a cargo del ayuntamiento de México quien acordó hacer en lugar de ella una iglesia mejor, que la que hoy existe y fue comenzada en 1599.

English translation:
Such was the death of the Spaniards at the hands of the Aztecs on the night of July 1, 1520, now known as the “Night of Sorrows”, that after having finally triumphantly entered this city a year later, the conquerors decided to erect a hermitage here that they called “Of The Martyrs”. It was dedicated to San Hippolytus, as that saint is celebrated on the day of their entry on August 13. That chapel was under the charge of the City Hall of Mexico City, who agreed to eventually build a better church, which is that which exists here today. Its construction was begun in 1599.
Submitted: May 12, 2017, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p382372
File Size: 3.680 Megabytes

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