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A nearby dedicatory marker for the Cerro de las Campanas remodeling in 1991
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: July 7, 2017
Caption: A nearby dedicatory marker for the Cerro de las Campanas remodeling in 1991
Additional Description: This additional maker is some meters west of the Escobedo monument, to the right of the entrance to the Hill of Bells Park. It reads:

Con la honrosa presencia del
Presidente de la Republica se
entrega el Parque Recreativo
Cerro de las Campanas,
lugar donde triunfo el ideal
republicano y Mexico decidio su destino
Como nación libre y soberana. A mas
de un siglo de aquella epopeya, la nacion
reafirma sus principios democráticos y
su pueblo tiene fe en el derecho y la
justicia que conllevan la paz.
La obra de remodelación y construccion
de este historico escenario, fue realizado
por los gobiernos estatal y municipal.
Querétaro, Qro., 5 de febrero de 1991

English translation:
With the honorable presence of the President of the Republic, the Recreational Park of the Hill of the Bells is dedicated. It is a place of triumph for the republican ideal and where Mexico decided her destiny as a free and sovereign nation. More than a century after that moment in history, the nation reaffirms its democratic principles, that the people have faith in the law and the justice that brings peace.

The work of remodeling and construction of this historic location was carried out by the state and municipal governments.
Querétaro, Querétaro, February 5, 1991

Submitted: July 13, 2017, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p389140
File Size: 2.928 Megabytes

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