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The Solar Eclipse of 1842
Photographer: Adalbert Stifter
Taken: Circa 1842
Caption: The Solar Eclipse of 1842
Additional Description: "...once I stood on a lookout point high above the entire town and regarded the phenomenon with my own eyes, there naturally occurred entirely other things, which I had never thought of either waking or dreaming, and about which no one thinks who has not seen this miracle.— Never, ever in my entire life was I so shaken, from terror and sublimity so shaken, as in these two minutes—it was nothing other than if God had all at once spoken a clear word and I had understood it...."
Submitted: August 18, 2017, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p395059
File Size: 0.277 Megabytes

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