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The Heart and Soul of a Lighthouse
Photographer: Syd Whittle
Taken: November 21, 2006
Caption: The Heart and Soul of a Lighthouse
Additional Description: Since ancient times, lighthouses have been integral to the development of maritime commerce around the globe. With each voyage, mariners staked their cargoes and, indeed, their very lives on these lights. The story of lighthouses in the United States begins with the Boston Light in 1716.
The heart of the lighthouse is its lens and the lamp within. Nineteenth century lighthouse lenses are works of art in polished brass and glass. Throughout much of history, the soul of those lighthouses has been the keepers whose dedication and attention to detail kept the lights shining night after night.
This is the story of the lighthouses that have served on Point Loma, lighting the way into San Diego Harbor and keeping mariners safe, their jewel-like lenses and the keepers, assistant keepers and families who lived in and cared for them.
Submitted: October 23, 2008, by Syd Whittle of Mesa, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p40700
File Size: 0.919 Megabytes

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