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The Expiatory Temple of San Felipe de Jesús Marker
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: December 4, 2017
Caption: The Expiatory Temple of San Felipe de Jesús Marker
Additional Description: The lower marker is the featured marker, unfortunately somewhat blurred as it is some distance from the street. The higher marker is from an earlier church at the same location. It reads:

Capilla de la Milagrosa Ymagen de Na, Sa, de Aranzazu y entierro de los hijos y naturales de la tres provincias de viscaia y reino de navara de sus mujeres, hijos y descendientes, a cuia costa se fabrico y dedico en el ańo de 1688

English translation:
Chapel of the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Aranzazu and the burial place of the children of three provinces of Viscaya and the Kingdom of Navarra and women, children and descendants, at whose expense it was built and dedicated in the year 1688.

Submitted: December 12, 2017, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p407999
File Size: 1.554 Megabytes

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