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Andrew Pickens Butler Tombstone
Photographer: Brian Scott
Taken: October 18, 2008
Caption: Andrew Pickens Butler Tombstone
Additional Description:
Here Lies Buried
The budy of
Andrew Pickens Butler
He was of very noble nature,
of high endowments
of lofty moral qualities.
As a judge, the Judicial Records
of the State show his abilities.
In the Senate of the United States
that illustrious body was
illustrated by his career.
In all that he said and did
there was a dash of genius
and heroism.
His fire seemed to be passed on
a high stage pf Public Dalies,
but his heart was always
amidst tender and gentle affections.
He was prompt to weep with
those who wept, he was equally
ready to rejoice with those
who were in joy.
His death, elicited lamentations
made of Public Expression
to the of his intimacies.
It spread the deepest of affections. Born 18th Nov 1796.
Died 25th May 1857.

Submitted: October 25, 2008, by Brian Scott of Anderson, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p41081
File Size: 3.123 Megabytes

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