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Peach Orchard Salient Artillery Positions
Photographer: Craig Swain
Caption: Peach Orchard Salient Artillery Positions
Additional Description: When the Confederate assaults in the late afternoon of July 2 stepped forward, the Peach Orchard salient had a large number of batteries from both the III Corps Artillery Brigade and the Army's artillery reserve. The general locations of those batteries are indicated here in this panoramic view from the Longstreet Observation tower. Turnbull's (Six 12pdr Napoleons), Seeley's (Six 12pdr Napoleons), and Bucklyn's (Six 12pdr Napoleons) all fronted the Emmitsburg Road facing west supporting Humphrey's infantry. Thompson's (Six 3-inch Rifles) and Ames' (Six 12pdr Napoleons) Batteries were at the northwest corner of the Peach Orchard. Hart's (Six 12pdr Napoleons), Clark's (Six 10-pdr Parrotts), Philipps' (Six 3-inch Rifles), and Bigelow's (Six 12pdr Napoleons) Batteries were placed along what is today the Wheatfield Road (running down the slope away from the camera), facing south.
Submitted: October 26, 2008, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p41166
File Size: 0.208 Megabytes

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