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Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg
Photographer: Internet Archive
Caption: Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg
Additional Description: This engraving of Rev. Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg appeared in the History of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania by Theodore Weber Bean et al. 1884.

“Henry Melchior Muhlenberg (an anglicanization of Heinrich Melchior Mühlenberg) (September 6, 1711 – October 7, 1787), was a German Lutheran pastor sent to North America as a missionary, requested by Pennsylvania colonists.

Integral to the founding of the first Lutheran church body or denomination in North America, Muhlenberg is considered the patriarch of the Lutheran Church in the United States. Muhlenberg and his wife Anna Maria had a large family, several of whom had a significant impact on colonial life in North America as pastors, military officers, and politicians. His and Anna Maria's descendants continued to be active in Pennsylvania and national political life.” — Wikipedia
Submitted: January 16, 2018, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p412645
File Size: 0.625 Megabytes

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