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Growth and Structure
Photographer: Allen C. Browne
Taken: November 21, 2017
Caption: Growth and Structure
Additional Description: Many people believe that trees grow taller throughout the entire tree. However, tree growth, in terms of height, actually only occurs at the branches. Although the trunk does get wider, it does not actually grow higher. That is why if a tree is ever scratched or marked that mark will stay at the same height for the trees entire existence.

Outer bark — Protects the tree from weather, insects, disease, fire and animals.

Sapwood — Sap rises through these cells from roots to crown. Food for seed production and for new tree growth is also stored here.

Heartwood — Core inactive cells, formerly sapwood, which gives the tree strength and durability.
Submitted: February 2, 2018, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p415322
File Size: 2.083 Megabytes

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