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The First People Marker
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Taken: September 22, 2017
Caption: The First People Marker
Additional Description: Captions: These quotes are the transcribed memories of Clara Pearson, a Nehalem Tillamook woman who worked with the ethnographer Elizabeth Jacobs in the 1930s. You can find these stories in Jacobs; books, Nehalem Tillamook Tales and The Nehalem Tillamook: An Ethnography. ; (bottom, far left) "Fog is a curtain spread by people in the spirit world to prevent earth people from looking over.". ; (bottom, near left) Lightning is Thunder's glances. That's Thunder's own self. When he looks, that makes lightning." ; (upper center, left) Ice and South Wind appear in many stories about Neahkahnie Mountain. The mischievous Ice killed South Wind's father, and when South Wind grew to be a man, he killed Ice by looking at him. Ice just melted away." ; (upper center, right) "Stars are persons, When you do not see them they have gone visiting their girls. Shooting stars are on their way visiting." ; (far right) South Wind created the boiling breakers beneath Neahkahnie Mountain. He built a big fire, heated large round rocks, and threw them down into the water. You can see those rocks up on the Mountain. They are all red where they were burned."
Submitted: February 4, 2018, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p415646
File Size: 3.690 Megabytes

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