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Henderson Paddle Wheel Plaque (<i>mounted directly on the paddle wheel</i>)
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: July 12, 2015
Caption: Henderson Paddle Wheel Plaque (mounted directly on the paddle wheel)
Additional Description: The "M. F. Henderson" was launched in 1901. Being a work-class steamer, she towed log rafts, grain barges and pushed ships. During an overhaul in 1912 she lost her initials and became known as the "Henderson".

During World War II she moved powerless ships through Portland's harbor bridges. In 1952 she starred in the movie "Bend of the River" under the name of "River Queen".

"The Henderson" had a long life for a wood steamer. Her end came in 1956 near Astoria. Heavy winds and surging waves smashed her against the steel side of her tow. Damaged beyond repair, she was beached near Columbia City.

John Hounsell, Hood River orchardist and boat builder, obtained permission to remove the wheel, which he renovated at this site in 1977.
Submitted: February 10, 2018, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p416339
File Size: 2.151 Megabytes

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