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Henry Walters
Photographer: Allen C. Browne
Taken: May 28, 2016
Caption: Henry Walters
Additional Description: This 1938 portrait of Henry Walters by Thomas Cromwell Corner hangs in the Walters Art Museum.

“Henry Walters (September 26, 1848–November 30, 1931) was noted as an art collector and philanthropist, a founder of the Walters Art Gallery (now the Walters Art Museum) in Baltimore, Maryland, which he donated to the city in his 1931 will for the benefit of the public. From the late 19th Century, Walters lived most of the time in New York City, where from 1903 on, he served on the executive committee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan on Fifth Avenue. He was selected as second vice president in 1913, a position he held until his death.

Like his father William Thompson Walters, (1820-1894), he was a businessman in the railroad industry, serving as president of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (1894-1902), which had been established by his father.” — Wikipedia
Submitted: February 20, 2018, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p417063
File Size: 1.443 Megabytes

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