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Charles Dickens Marker - Wide View, Looking West
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: March 16, 2018
Caption: Charles Dickens Marker - Wide View, Looking West
Additional Description: Two markers are visible here towards the center picture - that of George Padmore (on the left) and Charles Dickens (on the right).

"... in June 1822, when John Dickens was recalled to Navy Pay Office headquarters at Somerset House, and the family (except for Charles, who stayed behind to finish his final term of work) moved to Camden Town in London. The family had left Kent amidst rapidly mounting debts, and, living beyond his means, John Dickens was forced by his creditors into the Marshalsea debtors' prison in Southwark, London in 1824. His wife and youngest children joined him there, as was the practice at the time. Charles, then 12 years old, boarded with Elizabeth Roylance, a family friend, at 112 College Place, Camden Town. Roylance was "a reduced [impoverished] old lady, long known to our family", whom Dickens later immortalised, "with a few alterations and embellishments", as "Mrs. Pipchin" in Dombey and Son...." - Wikipedia
Submitted: May 6, 2018, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p425720
File Size: 2.976 Megabytes

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