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An additional marker inside the San José Parish Church
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: May 6, 2018
Caption: An additional marker inside the San José Parish Church
Additional Description: This marker was near the entrance to the church, towards the northern wall. It reads:

Principales datos de la construcción de este templo de estilo neoclasico
El 5 de febrero de 1754 el Pbro. D. Jose Ma. Rodriguez tomo posesión del terreno. El 6 de mayo de 1866 el Sr. Cura D. Cipriano Rodriguez colocó la primera piedra. Dirigió la obra el arquitecto D. Rafael Arcaute. En 1873 la continuó el Sr. Pbro. O. Juan Jose Plaza. A principios de 1875 prosiguió el Sr. Cura D. Domingo Rodriguez y dirigió el maestro D. Valentin López. A fines del mismo año, y durante diez mas, el Pbro. Lic. D. Nicolas Campa trabajó hasta casi terminarlo. En 1941 el Sr. Cura D. Felipe Lavigne inicio los campanarios. Posteriormente otros párrocos han perfeccionado el templo.
Parroquia de San Jose Iturbide, Gto.
1º. de enero de 1977
Pbro. D. Filiberto Carrillo G.

English translation:
Important points in the construction of this Neoclassical temple:
On February 5, 1754, Fr. José Ma. Rodríguez took possession of the land. On May 6, 1866 Father Cipriano Rodríguez placed the first stone. The architect D. Rafael Arcaute directed the work. In 1873 Pbr. O. Juan José Plaza continued it. At the beginning of 1875 Father Domingo Rodríguez continued the work and directed the master builder Valentín López. At the end of the same year, and for ten more, the Pbr. Nicolás Campa worked, almost finishing it. In 1941 Father Felipe Lavigne started the bell towers. Later other parish priests have perfected the temple.
Parish of San José Iturbide, Guanajuato, January 1, 1977 – Pbr. Filiberto Carrillo G.
Submitted: May 30, 2018, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p428306
File Size: 4.222 Megabytes

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