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<i>A. C. Morse Shoe Manufactory</i>
Photographer: Photo courtesy of the Joshua Hyde Public Library
Taken: 1870
Caption: A. C. Morse Shoe Manufactory
Additional Description: "Currently the site of Joshua Hyde library, this image shows the A.C. Morse Shoe Manufactory sometime between 1868-1877. The original building, on the town common, was built in 1850, by Elisha Southwick. Mr. Southwick obtained permission and a lease from the town, in 1850. Subsequently, he leased the business to Merrick and Allen and joined them in a partnership, in 1859. Mr. Merrick and Mr. Allen left the firm and Southwick continued the business until his son-in-law, A.C. Morse took over the business, about 1868. Hiram Carter bought an interest, in 1869 and the business name became Morse and Carter. Mr. Carter withdrew and Mr. Morse continued in business, alone, until about 1877. A group of workers is depicted standing at the east side of the A.C.Morse building." - Joshua Hyde Public Library
Submitted: June 15, 2018.
Database Locator Identification Number: p430951
File Size: 0.252 Megabytes

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