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James McCubbin Lingan
Photographer: Allen C. Browne
Taken: September 5, 2015
Caption: James McCubbin Lingan
Additional Description: This c. 1800 portrait of James MacCubin Lingan, attributed to Army Lieutenant House, hangs in the Museum of the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, Maryland.

“James McCubbin Lingan was an officer of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and subsequently a senior officer in the Maryland State Militia. He was taken prisoner at Fort Washington early in the war and spent several years aboard a prison hulk. After independence, Lingan served as a government official in Georgetown. At the outbreak of the War of 1812, Lingan was an outspoken advocate of freedom of the press and was murdered by a mob while defending the offices of an anti-war newspaper in Baltimore.” – Wikipedia
Submitted: July 1, 2018, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p433224
File Size: 1.461 Megabytes

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