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Piano-Box Buggy - 1920
Photographer: Brian Scott
Taken: November 8, 2008
Caption: Piano-Box Buggy - 1920
Additional Description: Introduced in the mid 1850's, the "Piano-Box" buggy eventually became one of the most popular models in America. Built on July 1, 1920, by the Tyson-Jones Buggy Company of Carthage, North Carolina, this horse drawn buggy reflects the popularity of a design, but also the changes occurring in the buggy industry. This piece was not handcrafted, as many piano box buggies were in the mid 19th century, but is one of the many mass produced buggies popular in the early 20th century. As the Industrial Revolution progressed all buggy parts could be manufactured in one factory, unlike the traditional assemblage shop, which received individual parts from different specialized factories. Developing technology made buggies affordable for many in America, and this buggy was an inexpensive vehicle for its time. Although the Carthage buggy factory was considered one of the largest of its kind in the South, it relied on businesses like the Dunbar Bros. of Spartanburg to sell its product. A grocery in Spartanburg as early as 1896, Dunbar Bros. were selling Tyson-Jones buggies beginning in 1903 and continued throughout the early 20th century. (Source: Brochure available at site.)
Submitted: November 11, 2008, by Brian Scott of Anderson, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p43325
File Size: 2.513 Megabytes

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