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Life on the Family Farm Marker
Photographer: Frankie
Taken: April 21, 2013
Caption: Life on the Family Farm Marker
Additional Description: "I thought maybe by cussing mules and plowing corn I could perhaps overcome my shyness and amount to something." Harry S. Truman Harry Truman gave up a comfortable banks job in Kansas City to help out on the family farm in 1906. The farmhouse, with no plumbing or electricity, stood in stark contrast to the bright lights of the big city. On the farm, Harry had little privacy, sharing the seven-room house with his grandmother, parents, sister and brother. Harry slept in a room above the dining room with Vivian and the hired hands. The bedroom was like an oven in the summer and an icebox in the winter. "It was an awful task to arise this morning in that ten-degree room", he once wrote. On the farm, Harry put in long days of physically demanding work. In the evenings, the family gathered in the sitting room to read and talk. In the parlor, Harry, Mary Jane, or Mamma played the piano. During Harry's eleven years on the farm, he worked hard, planned for his future, face frustration and difficulties with optimism and courage, yet exercised common sense and calm determination. These were characteristics he would take with him to the White House.
Submitted: July 12, 2018.
Database Locator Identification Number: p434710
File Size: 3.330 Megabytes

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