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Lindenwood Cemetery - Jordan Crossing
Photographer: Tom Bosse
Caption: Lindenwood Cemetery - Jordan Crossing
Additional Description: 14 Jordan Crossing ...until we cross the Jordan into the land the Lord our God is giving us...Deuteronomy 2:29 Be it known to all who walk upon these grounds that "Section 14" of Lindenwood Cemetery is commemorated as a "Historical Burial Site" and final resting place of our African American Ancestors, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This site memorializes a time in our history when we as a people, even in interment, suffered the cruel indignity of intolerance and segregation. May this hallowed ground serve as a testament to the courage, tenacity and resolve of those who rose from servitude to carve out a proud, irrefutable and indelible history of achievement on this continent. This consecrated soil is but the journey's end for those who soared over the walls of prejudice on wings on determination, will and strength of character to leave us with a legacy of dignity and honor. Dwell not upon the hardship and strife suffered by those to whom this land is dedicated, but instead celebrate and honor the imperishable, unyielding spirit of a people who refused to succumb to oppression and injustice. Do not weep for what was not given to us as a people, but instead, lift up your hearts, give thanks, and be proud of what we have achieved. Have reverence and pray that your life will measure up to the heritage forged by our African American Ancestors, these stalwart souls, who rest here, have crossed the River Jordan. "Deep River Load, My Home Is Over Jordan" Dedicate: September 5, 2004 Miles A. Robinson
Submitted: July 13, 2018, by Tom Bosse of Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p434856
File Size: 0.521 Megabytes

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