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An additional marker near the Tancoyol central square
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: July 14, 2018
Caption: An additional marker near the Tancoyol central square
Additional Description: 300 años de los Caminos de Fray Junípero Serra


1 San Pedro Es considerado el primer papa, para los católicos.
2 San Pablo Logró expandir el cristianismo por casi todo el territorio del Imperio Romano.
3 Escudo Franciscano Representando los dos brazos, la cruz y las llagas de Cristo
4 Llagas de Cristo Representan las 5 llagas de la crucifixión de Cristo: manos, pies, corona, lanza y látigos.
5 San Joaquín
6 Santa Ana cargando a la Virgen Niña
7 San Francisco Recibiendo lose stigmas de Cristo
8 San Antonio de Padua
9 San Roque Patrono de los peregrinos, enfermos y perros. Representado con su perro Melampo.
10 Nicho Vacio Solia contener la imagen de Nuestra Señora de la Luz.
11 Nicho de Cruz Guarda en su interior la representación de otra cruz y dos ángeles turiferarios.
12 Cruz de Calatrava
13 Cruz de Jerusalén
14 Ángel de la Pasión Seis ángeles que sostienen los símbolos de la pasión: el látigo y la Santa Faz, la escalera, la cruz, el mazo, la columna, la mano de la flagelación y la lanza.

Región habitada por bárbaros, por gente sin cultura, por salvajes.
Los pueblos chichimecas no formaban una unidad étnica ni lingüística, eran una serie de pueblos que habitaron al norte de México.

En la Sierra Gorda habitaban dos grupos. Los Jonaces que eran nómadas, cazadores recolectores y belicos. Los Pames eran eran sedentarios, con agricultura a pequeña escala y pacíficos, quizá por que vivían más cerca de pueblos habitados por españoles, criollos o de comunidades locales aliadas y adaptadas a los españoles, como los otomíes que habitaban en Tilaco y otras zonas.

English translation:
300 years of the Path Friar Junípero Serra


1 Saint Peter He is considered to be the first pope, for Catholics.
2 Saint Paul He expanded Christianity throughout most of the territory of the Roman Empire.
3 Franciscan Shield Represented by two arms, the cross and the wounds of Christ
4 Wounds of Christ Representing the 5 wounds of the crucifixion of Christ: hands, feet, crown, spear and whips.
5 Saint Joachim
6 Saint Anna carrying the Virgin Girl
7 Saint Francis Receiving the stigmas of Christ
8 Saint Anthony of Padua
9 Saint Roch Patron of pilgrims, the sick and dogs. Represented with his dog Melampo.
10 Empty Niche Used to contain the image of Our Lady of Light.
11 Niche of the Cross It houses in its interior the representation of another cross and two angels with lighted incense.
12 Cross of Calatrava
13 Cross of Jerusalem
14 Angel of the Passion Six angels holding the symbols of the Passion: the whip and the Holy Face, the ladder, the cross, the mallet, the column, the flogging hand and the spear.

A region inhabited by barbarians, by people without culture, by savages.
The Chichimeca people did not form an ethnic or linguistic group, they were a series of peoples that inhabited the north of Mexico.

In Sierra Gorda two groups of Chichimecas lived here. The Jonaces were nomads, hunter-gatherers and warlike. The Pames were sedentary, practiced small-scale agriculture and were peaceful, perhaps because they lived closer to towns inhabited by Spaniards, Creoles or local communities allied and adapted to the Spanish, for example the Otomí who lived in Tilaco and other areas.
Submitted: July 27, 2018, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p437496
File Size: 3.885 Megabytes

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