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The Story of a Rock: Boulder in Colter Memorial came as a gift from the people of Montana
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: September 11, 2017
Caption: The Story of a Rock: Boulder in Colter Memorial came as a gift from the people of Montana
Additional Description: From the New Haven Leader, Wednesday, September 17, 2003 (posted in kiosk):

So how did a granite boulder from Montana wind up in the John Colter Memorial Shelter in New Haven? David Menke, who organized the Colter project, said the original design for the Shelter included a rock column with a plaque on top. But when workers had finished the Shelter, the idea came up to put a large boulder at the center of the Shelter instead. Menke made some phone calls trying to find a rock in the Billings area [Montana]. Once the rock was chosen it was taken to a monument company where it was inscribed. From there it went to the brickyard, where it was wrapped and crated for shipment. A truck driver picked up the rock at the brickyard and drove 2,300 miles arriving on Sunday August 31.
Submitted: August 8, 2018, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p439077
File Size: 2.057 Megabytes

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