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Isaac Shelby Military Leader
Photographer: Tom Bosse
Taken: July 4, 2018
Caption: Isaac Shelby Military Leader
Additional Description: Appointed a Captain of the Virginia Militia in 1776, Shelby in 1777 became the Commissary Officer both for the militia protecting settlers against the Indians and for the Continental Army. Promoted to Major and then to Colonel, he led battles against the British at the Pacolet and Enoree Rivers to protect North Carolina. He conceived the successful strategy for the Battle of King’s Mountain, North Carolina, on October 7, 1780, and led the east wing in the battle. The victory there was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.
Submitted: August 19, 2018, by Tom Bosse of Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p441544
File Size: 8.046 Megabytes

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