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Sarah Winston Henrywide view; sunbeam coincidentally falling on headstone)' hspace=0 vspace=0 border=0>
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: September 7, 2018
Caption: Sarah Winston Henry's Headstone (wide view; sunbeam coincidentally falling on headstone)
Additional Description: Sarah resided at Winton with her daughter, Jane, and her family. Jane Henry (1738-1819) married Col. Samuel Meredith (1732-1808). Sarah was much admired by Col. Meredith. In the center of the cemetery one finds the grave of Col. Meredith at the feet of Sarah. He stated, at her funeral, "When I die, lay my body at the feet of the deeply venerate and beloved mother of my wife."
Submitted: September 8, 2018, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p444676
File Size: 6.875 Megabytes

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