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Original Monument History
Photographer: Tom Bosse
Taken: July 5, 2018
Caption: Original Monument History
Additional Description: In 1881 six women formed the “Kentucky Women’s Confederate Monument Association”. Mrs. Susan Preston Hepburn led the group along with Henrietta Morgan Duke. Henrietta was the sister of General John Hunt Morgan who crossed the Ohio River at Brandenburg to make the longest cavalry raid of the Civil War. His second in command, Col. Basil Duke fought alongside Morgan at Brandenburg and Corydon, Indiana until surrendering at Buffington Island, Ohio. Henrietta Morgan married Col. Basil Duke. The Kentucky Woman’s Confederate Monument Association and others, led to the formation of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. It took 13 years of fund raising to acquire the $12,000 to construct the Monument. By 1894, the funds had been raised thru bake sales, and selling autographed cards of CSA President Jefferson Davis. Design and construction of the Monument was awarded to the Muldoon Monument Company. Charles Jacob, Mayor of Louisville provided space in a 1,400 acre park on which the Monument could reside. The cornerstone was laid May 25, 1895, amid a day of festivities with a parade, a band, and an address by General Basil Duke. A box containing thousands of dollars in Confederate currency, current newspapers, a cigar that Jefferson David allegedly smoked and pictures of Davis and General Robert E. Lee was placed in a time capsule. Several regiments of Confederate soldiers were in attendance also that day.
Submitted: November 12, 2018, by Tom Bosse of Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p453537
File Size: 9.314 Megabytes

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