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The Liberty Pit Exhibit (across parking lot from marker): Jasperoid
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: July 30, 2014
Caption: The Liberty Pit Exhibit (across parking lot from marker): Jasperoid
Additional Description: Jasperoid is the name given to hard, rusty-brown, red, or orange-yellow colored rock composed mostly of very fine-grained quartz stained by iron-oxide minerals such as hermatite or limonite. Jasperoid is one of the many types of rock formed in the Robinson District by hydrothermal alteration of original rocks such as limestone. This alteration process is a large scale chemical reaction between these original rocks and the later hot, silica and metal bearing hydrothermal fluids. Other types of “altered” limestone in the Robinson District include skarn, marble, and silicified limestone, all of which are represented in the boulders here.
Submitted: November 20, 2018, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p454679
File Size: 6.097 Megabytes

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