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An additional nearby marker on local traditions in Santa María del Río
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: March 16, 2019
Caption: An additional nearby marker on local traditions in Santa María del Río
Additional Description: Tradiciones
Dentro de los festejos más tradicionales de Santa María del Río resaltan las fiestas de carácter religoso durante la primera quincena de agosto, en honor a la Patrona de la Ciudad, la Virgen de la Asunción, celebrándose a la par la Feria del Rebozo, durante la cual se conjuga el comercio, exposiciones culturales y un variado espectáculo artístico en el Teatro del Pueblo.

Otras fiestas de tradición son en Semana Santa, donde se exaltan los pasajes de la pasión y muerte de Cristo. En septiembre se celebra a San Miguel Arcángel - "las guerritas" - , y en diciembre a la Virgen Guadalupana, donde destaca un desfile tradicional de aves canoras que organizan los lugareños de una localidad rural del municipio llamada “Las Enramadas”.

Outstanding among the most traditional festivities of Santa María del Río are the religious festivals during the first two weeks of August, in honor of the Patron of the City, the Virgin of the Assumption, celebrated at the same time as the Fair of the Rebozo, during which commercial and cultural exhibitions come together with a diverse artistic show at the Town Theater.

Other traditional parties are during Easter Week, with exalted passages of the passion and death of Christ. In September, San Miguel Archangel - "the little wars" - is celebrated, and in December the Virgin of Guadalupe, with an outstanding traditional songbird parade organized by the townspeople of a rural village of the municipal area called “Las Enramadas”.
Submitted: April 13, 2019, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p469965
File Size: 5.337 Megabytes

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