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Edith Stein Sculpture
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: March 13, 2019
Caption: Edith Stein Sculpture
Additional Description: The sculpture depicts three selves or versions of Edith Stein. On the left, as a Carmelite nun, carrying a cross. On the right, seated in contemplation with a Star of David. And in the middle, but barely visible, a middle self, seemingly split in half. (But when seen from other perspectives, seemingly whole - see the next photo.) The pile of shoes (and the footprints leading to them, not visible here) are suggestive of her journey to Auschwitz.
Submitted: June 6, 2019, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p478254
File Size: 1.745 Megabytes

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