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"The Diver", an additional nearby sculpture along the pier
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: April 23, 2019
Caption: "The Diver", an additional nearby sculpture along the pier
Additional Description: This additional sculpture's plaque reads:

Homenaje a los ingenieros submarinos mexicanos y britanicos que contribuyeron en la colocacion de diques y rompe olas, nivelando el enrocamiento para la construcción de este puerto artificial
Veracruz 1897-1902
Escultor: Humberto Peraza Avila
marzo 6 del 2002

English translation:
"The Diver"
Tribute to the Mexican and British underwater engineers who contributed to the placement of levees and wavebreaks, leveling up the construction of this artificial port in Veracruz 1897-1902
Sculptor: Humberto Peraza Ávila
March 6, 2002
Submitted: July 30, 2019, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p486011
File Size: 4.179 Megabytes

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