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The Stone Wall
Photographer: Craig Swain
Taken: November 11, 2008
Caption: The Stone Wall
Additional Description: In the late afternoon of July 2, Captain Morrill commanded a detachment of over 40 men from Company B, 20th Maine, reinforced by some men from the 2nd US Sharpshooters, which held this wall to prevent a wide flanking maneuver by the Confederates. When the main body of the 20th Maine made their famous bayonet charge, the men of Company B rose and fired on the reeling 15th Alabama. The ground east of the stone wall was open field at the time of the battle.
Submitted: January 2, 2009, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p48740
File Size: 1.626 Megabytes

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