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An additional, nearby Ahuehuetes of Chapultepec Marker
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: September 10, 2019
Caption: An additional, nearby Ahuehuetes of Chapultepec Marker
Additional Description: Ahuehuetes de Chapultepec
El Ahuehuete (Taxodium munocronatum) es una conífera, como los pinos, abetos, cedros y enebros. Árbol de hasta 30 m de altura, de tallos gruesos y copa abierta e irregular, con raíces extendidas y entrelazadas; la corteza café rojiza se arregla en tiras longitudinales entrecruzadas. Tiene hojas lineares, con tallos cortos, de 6 a 12 mm de largo y 1 mm de ancho, dispuestas en ramas colgantes de 10 a 15 cm de largo; con flores masculinas en espigas, separadas de las femeninas en forma de conos o piñas; la madera es color café oscuro o amarillento. Su crecimiento es lento y es uno de los arboles más longevos del mundo. En Chapultepec existen varios especímenes vivos, con edades superiores a los 600 años; en Oaxaca el "Árbol del Tule" tiene más de 2,000 años.

English translation:
Ahuehuetes of Chapultepec
The Ahuehuete (Taxodium munocronatum) is a conifer, similar to pines, firs, cedars and junipers. The tree is normally around 30 m high, with thick stems and an open and irregular crown, with extended and intertwined roots; the reddish-brown bark is arranged in intersecting longitudinal strips. It has linear leaves, with short stems, 6 to 12 mm long and 1 mm wide, arranged on hanging branches 10 to 15 cm long; with male flowers in spikes, separated from the female ones in the form of cones or pineapples. The wood is dark-brown or yellowish. Its growth is slow and it is one of the longest-lived trees in the world. In Chapultepec there are several live specimens, with ages over 600 years. In Oaxaca, the "Tule Tree" is over 2,000 years old.
Submitted: October 4, 2019, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p496445
File Size: 3.995 Megabytes

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