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A nearby, older Fountain of Nezahualcóyotl Marker
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: September 10, 2019
Caption: A nearby, older Fountain of Nezahualcóyotl Marker
Additional Description: This additional engraving is behind a nearby statue of Nezahualcóyotl. Although hard to read completely, it includes the following text:

…alcoto…Gran …..Rey de la Nacion Acolhua.
Libertador. Estadista. Gran Capitan invicto. Politico esclarecido. Une a los antiguos estados mexicanos cunando a nuestra patria.

Gobernante honesto. Legislador sabio Dignifica el trabajo. Realiza gran programa de educación publica, ciencias y artes. Justica y asistencia social.

Poeta filosofo. Orador. Varon ejemplar. Ama los dones del espíritu. Condena los abusos del oro y del poder.

Exalta las virtudes. La paz y la concordia. El respeto mutuo entre los hombres y entre las naciones. En Texcoco, en 1473, a los 71 años de edad, asciende al cielo de los inmortales.

Sirve la Patria.

English translation:
… Alcoto… Great… .. King of the Acolhua Nation.
Liberator. Statesman. Grand Captain ever undefeated. An outstanding politician. He united the old Mexican states that form the center of our nation.

Honest ruler. Wise legislator. He dignified work. He was dedicated to great public education and a science and arts program. Justice and social assistance.

Philosopher poet. Speaker. At these he was exemplary. He loved the gifts of the spirit. Condemned the abuses of gold and power.

Exalt the virtues. The peace and understanding. Mutual respect between men and among nations. In Texcoco, in 1473, at 71 years of age, he ascended to the sky of the immortals.

Serve the Nation
Submitted: October 4, 2019, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p496458
File Size: 6.692 Megabytes

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