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Bottle Tree
Photographer: J. J. Prats
Taken: February 22, 2015
Caption: Bottle Tree
Additional Description: The sign at the tree: “This in interpretation of a bottle tree honors an age-old tradition of the African American community in the Lowcountry. Multicolored glass bottles hung on a tree attracted evil spirits that might have been lurking by the house. The bottles are slanted upward so that the spirits, mesmerized by the sunlit colors, are trapped once they have entered. As the wind blows across the mouth of the bottle, the spirits are heard to moan. The bottle tree has its roots in Africa and is a rare example of cultural transfer and survival.”
Submitted: October 27, 2019, by J. J. Prats of Powell, Ohio.
Database Locator Identification Number: p499858
File Size: 6.447 Megabytes

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