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The Saint Ann
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Taken: August 13, 2019
Caption: The Saint Ann's Cathedral Ceremonial Doors
Additional Description:
In Memory of
Dr. John F. McGregor
by his wife Sally and their children

The left panel depicts Saint Ann teaching her daughter the prayers of her Jewish faith. The menorah places the scene in the Jewish tradition. Essential to this faith is the belief in a messiah, one promised by God, who would save people. Mary's growth in her understanding of this promise led her to exclaim when told that she would be the mother of the promised messiah, "My heart praises the lord, my soul is glad because of God my savior, for he has remembered me his lowly servant!" Luke 1:46-48.
The right panel recalls the miracle of the wedding feast at Cana as recorded in chapter 3 of John's gospel. This event marks the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus. The large jar of water in the forefront of the panel is symbolic of how faith transforms our lives. It is also a reminder of our baptismal faith, which allows us to participate in the celebration of the Eucharistic feast.
Tradition, prayer, openness to God's prompting, faith in Jesus, Mary, the mother of God, the Eucharist, renewal and commitment to our baptismal calling are beautifully expressed in this work of profound artistic expression.
Artist: Dorothy Fowler

Submitted: October 30, 2019, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p500439
File Size: 3.471 Megabytes

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