Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
Marker detail: Typical Pioneer House /<br>Maison Typique de Colon
Photographer: Courtesy Madawaska Historical Society Archives
Caption: Marker detail: Typical Pioneer House /
Maison Typique de Colon

Additional Description: A typical pioneer house being built, land being cleared. These two buildings show how housing evolved as farms grew established. Here, a typical farm clearing and a shanty in the yard. A shanty sheltered people until they built their house, then it would be used for animals.

Une maison typique de colon et les premiers défrichages. Les deux bâtiments montrent l’évolution de l'habitat au fur et à mesure du développement de la ferme. Nous avons ici un défrichage typique, et une baraque dans la cour. La baraque abritait les gens jusqu'à ce que la maison soit construite, puis les animaux.
Submitted: April 16, 2020, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p517248
File Size: 1.107 Megabytes

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