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Marker detail: Flax Break / Une Breyé

Caption: Marker detail: Flax Break / Une Breyé
Additional Description: “What's this thing-a-ma-jig? It's made out of wood — it has a handle that goes up and down. It's a flax break. En français, we say ‘Une Breyé,’ and someone who uses a ‘breyé’ is un ‘Bréyon’.”
—Guy Dubay, author of Chez Nous: The Saint John Valley

This flax break crushes the flax stalks, helping separate the fibers used to make linen.
Cette breyé permet de broyer les tiges et séparer les fibres de lin qui seront utilisées dans la fabrication de tissus.

Submitted: April 17, 2020, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p517494
File Size: 0.429 Megabytes

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