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David Henderson Marker
Photographer: Steve Stoessel
Taken: August 28, 2010
Caption: David Henderson Marker
Additional Description: On September 3, 1845, Henderson, his son, and guide John Cheney were scouting for places to join the Hudson and the Opalescent when they reached a small pond inhabited by some ducks. Henderson handed his gun to Cheney to shoot the birds, but he didn't get a shot off. Returning the firearm to Henderson, Henderson put it in his backpack, which he soon set on a rock. The gun went off, fatally wounding Henderson. The pond was named Calamity Pond, and the stream flowing through it became known as Calamity Brook. (from A History of The McIntyre Mine)
Submitted: April 21, 2020, by Steve Stoessel of Niskayuna, New York.
Database Locator Identification Number: p518213
File Size: 3.541 Megabytes

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