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An additional Freedman
Photographer: Kayla Harper
Taken: April 25, 2020
Caption: An additional Freedman's Cemetery Marker
Additional Description: Freedman's Cemetery Memorial
"Memorial Description"
"Here", a poem created by local poet Nia Akimbo. Back side of poem platform contains cemetery's only remaining headstones, the graves connected to these headstones are unknown, and no surviving relatives have been found. Interior wall and fence columns contain children's poems selected from a Dallas public school's poetry competition themed on Freedman's Cemetery. The children's poems represent the future. "Eulogy to an Unknown Freedman", poem by Ramona Newton.
Text by David Newton
Submitted: April 28, 2020, by Kayla Harper of Dallas, Texas.
Database Locator Identification Number: p519236
File Size: 0.754 Megabytes

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