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Harlinsdale Park Inter-Urban Railway Sign (near Harlinsdale car park, along road adjacent to arenas)

Taken: June 4, 2020
Caption: Harlinsdale Park Inter-Urban Railway Sign (near Harlinsdale car park, along road adjacent to arenas)
Additional Description: Looking north and south this road bed is the former Inter-Urban railway. The Franklin-Nashville Inter-Urban railway first began running in 1908 and ran through Harlinsdale along this road until its last run in 1941. The railway was created as a way to promote travel between Nashville and a growing Franklin. In the beginning, there were only four cars that ran along the railway, nor was there a set schedule. You simply had to raise your hand from the side of the road and pay the 10 cent fare to get on a car or pull the bell cord to get off. Over time, however, popularity for the railway shrank because of the many technical problems of the older cars. By the end of 1941, the Inter-Urban railway was no more.
Submitted: June 11, 2020.
Database Locator Identification Number: p525503
File Size: 2.467 Megabytes

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