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Franklin House Hotel
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Caption: Franklin House Hotel
Additional Description: top photo
The top floor was destroyed in a 1922 fire and the hotel was remodeled to this appearance.

middle left photo
At the end of World War One, the hotel was decked out with red, white, and blue bunting and banners to welcome home soldiers from the War.

middle right photo
Shown in an early post card view, the hotel as it was originally conducted, with a Mansard roof penetrated by dormers and a double-gallery porch on the facade.

top photo
The hotel appears in this early twentieth-century view, along with one of the many trains that visited St. Marys every day.
Submitted: June 27, 2020, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p527839
File Size: 0.317 Megabytes

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