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Repulse of Wright
Photographer: Craig Swain
Taken: December 27, 2008
Caption: Repulse of Wright's Brigade on July 2
Additional Description: Looking from Hancock Avenue near the Copse of Trees to the west on a misty day. In the center is a monument to the 7th Michigan (from Third Brigade of the 2nd Division). In the distance to the left is the Nicholas Codori Farm. The Battery B, 1st Rhode Island held a position on the rise just beyond the 7th Michigan Monument on July 2. The 106th Pennsylvania skirmish line was posted along and beyond the Emmitsburg Road which runs from left to right behind the farm buildings. Wright's Confederates were repulsed before reaching the rock wall running behind the 7th Michigan Monument.
Submitted: February 14, 2009, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p53032
File Size: 0.793 Megabytes

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