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The Continental Divide Marker Detail
Photographer: Duane and Tracy Marsteller
Taken: July 4, 2020
Caption: The Continental Divide Marker Detail
Additional Description: The snow fence experiment In the mid-1960s, tons of snowfence were deposited and built around the Pass in an experiment to capture more winter snows and thereby increase water for runoff. The experiment failed and the snowfence was abandoned on the ridges surrounding the Pass. The Independence Pass Foundation led a successful effort to remove the debris which was smothering out tundra plants and had been a hazard to hikers and skiers. Photo: Mark Fuller
Submitted: July 16, 2020, by Duane and Tracy Marsteller of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p530364
File Size: 0.090 Megabytes

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